Palm Sunday

Sunday, April 13th, 10am Service
Start off your Holy week by joining us on Sunday as we remember and celebrate Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. We will have ice cream sundaes on this wonderful Palm Sunday as we begin Holy Week!

Journey to the Cross

Monday 3:00pm - 8:00pm, Tuesday 11:00am - 8:00pm, Wednesday 11:00am - 3:00pm
Journey to the Cross is a reflective drop-in experience that walks through the events leading up to Jesus' death. This experience is a self-paced time of prayer, reflection, and introspection as we prepare our hearts for Good Friday and Easter. Drop in any time that Journey to the Cross is open, and stay as long as you'd like. There will be a separate Journey to the Cross experience tailored kids that will also be in the Worship Center

worship wednesday

6:30pm in the Worship Center
Join us for an open and full night of worship, where we break from our routines and just spend some time together worshipping our God and posturing our hearts in preparation for Easter.

Maundy Thursday

6:30pm in the Worship Center, Dinner Provided
Join us as we reflect on the last supper with a meal, hand washing, communion and a powerful live drama. The evening will take place in the Worship Center. While the event is free, we do require an RSVP, so click below to register!

Good Friday

6:30pm in the Worship Center
Join us as we remember the significance of the love and sacrifice of Jesus with reflective music, an inspiring message, and personal response opportunities.  


Don't miss our Easter celebration filled with fun and celebration! Pre-service kids' activities, a service filled with surprises, an inspiring message, and more!