JOurney of the Soul

Grow Deeper in your Faith Journey

a 7-week Lent experience

Where am I at in my faith Journey? This is a question that can be difficult to answer. We often try and gauge where we are at by comparing ourselves to others, which can be helpful and can have its own challenges. What if there were a system or a chart that could really help us to answer these important questions: 1) Where am I at in my faith Journey? 2) What does growth look like for me?

Journey of the Soul is a powerful roadmap to help us to understand our trajectory of spiritual growth. While it is one of many systems out there, it has proven to be incredibly helpful for many people. If you take the time to dive into learning about the Journey of the soul, it will help you to become more self-aware, more understanding of others, and have improved vision for how to grow in the next stage of faith development and spiritual formation. It is poised to provide compassion for the difficulties we can face in faith development as well.

ready to join us?

Here are your next steps:

Purchase the Book

Order your copy of the book and pick it up at the info tent on Sunday!

Take the Assessment

Journey of the Soul provides this free assessment to jump start your experience through the book

JOin a Group

Join a 7-week group to process everything you are learning with others.

Meet the Authors Q&A Event

Join us on Sunday, February 23rd at our 10am service as Bill & Kristi Gaultiere, authors of Journey of the Soul, join us as special guest speakers to kick off our series.

Afterward, we will have a special Journey of the Soul Q&A event from 11:30 - 1:00pm!