Easter at New life

Sunday, April 20th at 10am

Join us for a powerful time of celebration, reflection, and community!

Easter Pre-Service Activities

Kids and families are invited to come before the service at 9am for some games, crafts, and snacks! This is a wonderful time to enjoy some Easter fun before our service! Coffee is provided for adults.

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40 Days of Prayer email!

Easter Sunday in Artesia

Sunday, April 20th at 10am
Don't miss our powerful messages full of hope in Jesus! Because of Jesus' death and resurrection, we are forgiven and we have hope. Jesus was victorious over death, sin, and evil in the world. Join us as we celebrate together on Easter!

Holy week

The week leading up to Easter is traditionally called Holy Week. This is a week of prayer, reflection, and worship to help us prepare for the Easter celebration. Here at New Life, we have many events and opportunities during Holy Week that you don't want to miss! For more detailed information, check out our Holy Week Page!

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Do you have a question about our online service, Lent devotionals, or care team ministry? Please reach out we’ll be in touch asap!