If you’ve been to New Life, you know that we are a multi-generational church. Though we live in a society that often neglects the elderly, we want to value what Tom Brokaw calls “The Greatest Generation” and those faithfully following in their footsteps. Because of this, we have many opportunities for senior adults to experience friendship, grow in their faith and serve the community.
Senior Friends
Join us throughout the year for monthly lunch and fun events with other seniors on the second Friday of each month!
While retirement is a reality for most senior adults, God still loves to use the abilities and passions of the elderly to bless others. Are you interested in serving in any of the following ministries?
-Planning events for seniors
-Prayer team
-Visitation team
-Office administration volunteer
-Hospitality team
-Building & Grounds team
Contact info@nl-cc.org if you’d like to begin serving and volunteering in any of these areas.
-Planning events for seniors
-Prayer team
-Visitation team
-Office administration volunteer
-Hospitality team
-Building & Grounds team
Contact info@nl-cc.org if you’d like to begin serving and volunteering in any of these areas.