The Listening Life

Join us for this powerful 6-week series,
February 11th - March 17th.

Join our series through the following:

1. Purchase the Book

We encourage everyone to purchase a copy of the book! The Amazon link to purchase is below. If you need assistance, reach out to your life group leader or Pastor Ryan at

2. Follow the Reading Schedule

February 11th

Chapter 1: The Listening Life

February 18th

Chapter 2: The King Who Listens
Chapter 3: Listening to God

February 25th

Chapter 4: Listening to Scripture
Chapter 5: Listening to Creation

March 3rd

Chapter 6: Listening to Others
Chapter 7: Listening to People in Pain

March 10th

Chapter 8: Listening to Your Life

March 17th

Chapter 9: The Society of Reverse Listening
Have the reading completed by each date listed above.

3. Sign up for a Life Group

Want to experience The Listening Life with friends? Join a 6-week group and read through it together! Click below to checkout our available groups.