There’s Something in the Water

Sep 29, 2024    Juno Smalley

Jesus’ invitation to “come to me and drink” is profound. He is not speaking about physical thirst but about a deeper, spiritual thirst that we all experience. Just as water is essential for physical life, so is the living water He offers essential for spiritual life. This living water represents the Holy Spirit, who would later be given to believers after Jesus’ resurrection and glorification. This water sustains us, refreshes us, and empowers us to live out our faith with vitality. This passage clearly indicates there is something in the water.Many of us experience spiritual dryness or a sense of longing. Jesus invites us to come to Him with our needs and drink deeply from His grace and truth. If you are feeling empty or unfulfilled, turn to Jesus and seek His living water through: prayer, Bible reading, worship and of course community.