Day 11: Wednesday, December 11

Day 11: by Juno Smalley

We are reflecting on Joy. As you can imagine, there are many people who confuse happiness with joy. When that happens I feel we have swallowed the Madison Avenue pill, we have drunk the kool-aid made by consumerism, and we think that the more we have the happier we are. We believe that joy should be a natural by-product in our lives since we have lives filled with so many material positions.

Galatians 5:22-25 tells us that one of the fruits of the spirit is joy. This means that God is the source of joy, and it’s the Holy Spirit who helps us to see it, practice it, grow it and give it away. When we are “in step with the Spirit,” we can be joyful in all circumstances, not for all circumstances, if we choose to remember whose we are.

Today’s song is one of the great renditions of the classic hymn (In fact, it was sung at my wedding, but not this version). Click here to experience the joy of the Lord.

Lord, no doubt we are thankful for our homes, cars, computers, our clothing, and all of the creature comforts in life. Help me to remember that joy starts with a heart of gratitude towards you and others.

Surround me with people who love you so when I start to play my anthem of self-pity they can cut it short (with love) and remind me of all the blessings you have given me and of the reality that my joy comes from you.

Lord, it's a hurting world, may we be agents of your good news. May my life be an encouragement to others and a joyful witness for you.


See you tonight from 6:30 - 7:15 PM as we gather with friends and family for Christmas on the Patio, where we’ll sing Christmas carols, enjoy delicious hot chocolate and snacks, and hear a heartwarming reminder of how to celebrate a meaningful Christmas together.

Come share in the joy of the season with us—your presence will make it all the more special!

Looking forward to sharing this time with you!