Day 5: Thursday, December 5

Day 5: by Juno Smalley

Earlier, I invited you to commit to praying through the Christmas season (Advent). We desire that these Christmas Reflections will encourage you in your time of prayer. The bottom line is we need to be intentional about praying. Otherwise, most often prayers just fall off our radar, and the idea of praying more becomes just one of many short lived New Year’s resolutions.

Here are a few suggestions to help you remember to pray, stay focused, and prepare your own heart for prayer:

1)    Get up 15 minutes earlier. Use this time to pray for you and others.

2)    Create an intentional prayer space. Maybe it’s a room, table, couch, garage, maybe it’s while you walk, drive…just set out to be intentional. 

3)    Listen to a song or music. Select some of your favorite tunes that bring you perspective and reflect your faith (which probably won’t be anything about a hippopotamus). This is a season where we all need to Make Room for a personal encounter with our living Lord.

4)    Journal. This is a great time to begin to journal your prayers. Begin with writing your prayers and what you are thankful for. Journal what is going on in your thoughts and heart.  Yes, you the F word… write about your Feelings and what is stirring within. 

5)    Light a candle. Lighting a candle(s) just fits naturally with Advent. I know some people are opposed to lighting them in their homes, if that is the case, try a flameless candle - they are wonderful! If that doesn’t work, you can click here for a virtual candle.

Lighting a candle each morning is a way to acknowledge and remember that the Lord is with you in your home and as you go about your day. Maybe make this your screen saver at work? Use it as a symbol that Jesus is with you each moment, with each person, and in the middle of the mess of life, Jesus is with you, making a miracle…

6)    Our Prayer Room is normally open from 8 am- 8 pm (except Thursdays it is used for other purposes).  Use code 6522 to enter. Click here if you want a video tour of our Prayer Room.

Lord, help me to use the gifts, passions, and strengths that you have blessed me with. Help me to organize my time and schedule this season to reflect you in my life and your love for the lost and the hope you give us in Jesus.

Help me to stay close to you. Open up opportunities for me to be your hands and feet; and if you must use my voice, may it be also reflective of your hope for others. Give me your power to exhibit both tough love and grace in the numerous situations that I find myself in.

Thank you that over the years and despite obstacles and challenges, you have spoken through your church, New Life, in marvelous and significant ways to make a difference locally and globally. Continue to use us to be New Life for the City and Beyond. May we truly experience and share the hope that comes from you.
