Day 2: Monday, December 4

Day 2: By Juno Smalley

According to Strong’s Concordance, ‘hope’ is a Greek word that means expectation, trust, and confidence. The root form of the word means to anticipate with pleasure and to welcome. This week we are thinking about Hope.  

During this season, Christians wait with eagerness for the second coming of Jesus. We do have trust and confidence in our Savior. The early church were eyewitnesses to miracles of healing and restoration. Believers in the church believe with hope and expectation that Jesus rose from the dead and is returning to unite us with God, our creator, for all eternity.  

Monday’s Song

As we begin to prepare our hearts for Christmas, let's be sure our hearts and minds are aligned with a heavenly perspective as we are reminded that God is Worthy of it All.

Monday’s Prayer

Lord, during this season of acquiring more and more, may our spirits be content with what You provide for us. For our home, vehicles, clothing, food, authentic relationships, spouses, children, and grandchildren, I thank you!

Again, Lord, I pray that you will help me to remember that everyone has a story. And most stories have a chapter or two filled with confusion, hurt, and pain. Many people are wary, and they don't even know it. Help us, as your church, to pause before we react, and pray so we may respond as you would have us to. May we remember that everyone has a story, and for most people, pain is involved in a chapter or two. 

As we move closer to Christmas, help us to intentionally slow our pace down so we may hear the nudges from you in our hearts. Help us to remember that you have taught us to love one another. Help us to embrace your behavior and heart for others and especially those who don’t know you.

Thank you for New Life and the many years you have used us as your church to bring the hope of Jesus to a hurting world. Continue to do so for many more years.

In your name, that brings us hope,